try to share my thoughts, my experience, my opinion from my point of view..

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Flood in Jakarta

Skrg lg jam 4:44 di komputer ini. Lagi menghitung waktu buat pulang ke rmh neh. Kerjaan akhirnya beres jg tanpa ada masalah, fiuhh.. tinggal tunggu print-an aja.. Mata lagi ngantuk, walau ud diganjel dgn bikin coffee, tetep aja berat. Akhrinya ngeblog dl deh. Bingung, malem minggu no planning mo apain tar, tp pulang agak penat jg kynya di rmh. Lg pengen bersosialisasi n cuap2 neh ama temen2. Mengeluarin uneg2 gw.. Huahh..

Btw, td gw lg iseng2 browsing milis, byk yg nyeritain nasib terdampar di bandara soekarno hatta pas banjir kmrn awal feb 2008. And yg bikin gw agak concern, pas baca ada orang bule ampe ceritain pengalamannya , trs dia ampe rekomendasi buat jangan datang dan invest ke Jakarta pas musim hujan datang, gara2 dia terjebak macet ke airport di Jakarta until 9 hours, dr normalnya cm 1 jam..

The chaos on Friday, when flooding brought the capital to a standstill and trapped thousands in traffic jams for more than 12 hours, pushed some of the financiers Indonesia needs to threaten to avoid the country. "Memo to self: do not visit Jakarta in the rainy season again," wrote Hong Kong-based economist Jim Walker in a note to clients after taking nine hours to get Jakarta airport, normally a journey of no more than one hour. "Today's traffic problems are an apt metaphor for Indonesia: stuck in first gear with long periods of sitting around waiting for the jam to clear. The country has ... lousy leadership, weak institutions and below-potential growth," wrote Walker, formerly CLSA's chief Asia economist, now head of an independent research firm in Hong Kong.

Hehe, pdhl nasibnya masi beruntung nyampe di airport, dibandingkan terjebak banjir kaga kemana2.. yah nasib Indonesia emang kynya ga prnh bagus di mata dunia kynya.
selengkapnya, bs baca di :

Yah kayanya sgini dl deh, blog gado2nya.. Its time to go home..

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